Archimedes de First

The Morse Code... also called CW

Morse code is a very clever method of transmitting text information. Using a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment, making it one of the simplest and most versatile methods of telecommunication.


CW means continuous wave or continuous waveform. CW is an electromagnetic sine wave of constant amplitude and frequency. When a sinusoidal carrier wave is switched on and off varying duration of time you can create a Morse "dot" and a "dash". That's why Continuous Wave is also the name given to Morse code in early wireless telegraphy radio transmission.

The CW is very interesting specially when transmitter is far away, the signal energy is very low and there is noise, interferences of other transmitters, ionospheric attenuation, refractions, etc..  For example our satellite. Thats why we decide to bet on this "classic" in our experiments. The disadvantage is the low data rate.

Now the question: How many time is a Dot and a Dash?


The international Morse Code uses this times for each one:

DOT "Di" is the standard unit.

You can decide the speed of a dot, for example 40ms or 1/25 seconds (speed of about 40 words per minute) for electronic communications or a lower such as 100ms (speed of about 16 words per minute) can be copied by a well trained human receiver.

DASH "Dah" has a duration of 3 dots.

Between the symbols (Dots and Dashes) transmitting a letter we use 1 dot of separation.

Between letters of the same word we use 3 dots of separation.

Between words we use 5 or 7 dots of separation. 

The letters and numbers are listed below:


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